Entwicklung technischer und kaufmännischer Software
Tim Reckmann / pixelio.de


At https://odin.jrc.ec.europa.eu the European Commission JRC hosts the MatDB database application for engineering materials test data, which for the past 20 years has served the materials data management interests of the European energy technology research sector.

With its intuitive data entry and reporting features and support for a wide range of mechanical, physical and corrosion test types, MatDB ensures that data of inherent commercial and intellectual value can be effectively managed.  Early 2022 a commercial version of MatDB will become available and in anticipation of its launch an online information session will be organised later this year.

In case of interest to participate, please complete this registration form.  Thereafter, you will be kept informed accordingly. In the meantime, you are welcome to evaluate the MatDB version hosted at https://odin.jrc.ec.europa.eu.

Jetzt registrieren

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